Ullmann Miscast

Am I the only one who thinks Liv Ullmann was badly miscast in this movie. This movie had a decent comedic script and in the hands of an actress with some semblance of comic timing, this film could have been something really special, but Ullman had no comedic skill whatsoever, but in '73 she was the flavor of the month and was working constantly so it's not totally surprising that she got this part but she really screwed up what could have been a really entertaining romantic comedy.



I would like to see the movie! Please let me know if its avlbl P2P. [email protected] India


Ullman was perfectly cast in "40 Carats". I saw two other actresses do the part on Broadway, and no one but Ullman could have done half as well as she did. The only weak points in the movie are the stagey dialogue and Albert's somewhat creepy, over-intense performance.


Who were the two actresses you saw do it on Broadway? I didn't care for Ullman but I haven't cared for any of her work that I've seen. I would have much preferred someone who was seen as an older glamour girl at that point like Lana Turner or Zsa Zsa Gabor who both did touring productions of it I know. Of course both of them were way beyond forty at that point but I still think it would have been fairly entertaining.


Julie Harris and June Alison who was out a lot I was told at the time. One of those times was when I saw it.

See some stars here


Liv Ullman was superb in the film. There is a great difference between a stage performance vs a screen performance.


Totally agree that Lana Turner would have been a great choice!


Yes ,Half the time you need a translator to understand Liv Ullmann ,plus she comes off older and unattractive with her old fashion hairstyle and clothes ,in real life older woman dress younger when they date younger men,the 22year old boyfriend"s mother was more modern in style...


I could understand her fine but I do agree with you about the costumes Liv wore. I absolutely abhorred the red pants suit that was supposed to make her look smart. So matronly!

This positively infantile preoccupation with bosoms!Terry-Thomas about US 1963.Hasnt changed much!


She looked like Austin Powers but


She looked like Austin Powers but



I totally agree with you! For one thing, it should have been an AMERICAN ACTRESS!!!!! I tried to watch this movie, but had to stop.


Watching movie now and Liv's sweet innocence is refreshing, for a movie with love obsessed young man. True she is no comedian, but her fear about continuing her involvement with Peter, seems real and natural. She does fine with her role, imo.

Mostly, the point of movie is love can conquer barriers. And, age IS only a number. Perhaps this movie is more believable to mature audiences?
