
I've never found this movie scary. It's funny as hell, but not scary.


Yeah, me too. The girl's filthy talk was entertaining. But I saw it on VHS in the 80's and had already desensitized myself with Halloween and The Evil Dead. Maybe I would have had a different reaction if I saw it in 1973.


Yes, that's pretty much my story. I'd seen much scarier movies by the time I watched this.


Just curious...what are the scarier movies in your opinion?


Agreed, it must be a product of the time. When I saw it, I laughed at much of the film and didn't find it scary at all.

It makes me think of how I view "The Blair Witch Project". When I first saw BW it was still an independent film and not distributed widely. My older brother told me that this was true, and I bought it. I was so scared, I almost walked out of the theatre. Nowadays, a lot of people think that movie is stupid, but when you frame things differently, or are in a different time and place, they can come off as stupid or goofy.


It was boring and stupid when it came out!
