The "help me" scene

When you think about it, why bother letting the demon sleep in the dark?
Did anybody really want to tuck it in, and wish it good night?

But the darkness, the quiet, the flashlight (probably Karl's) highlighting the words "help me" dialogue; all an excellent touch.

Which leads to just a small speculation: In the book, Sharon says to Karras, "that's her handwriting." Think that could've worked in the film, or was it self-explanatory?


I think Friedkin meant it to be self-explanatory - i.e., when the demon went into one of its dormant states, Regan, "trapped inside" used one of the paranormal powers temporarily imbued by the state of possession to write the message. Friedkin probably viewed adding the "it's her handwriting" line as overly-explanatory. After all, it is doubtful that the demon would be asking for help. Doubtful but not impossible, since the demon's prime M.O. is deception. Maybe the demon just wanted to stir things up more, and make it look as if Regan could sometimes communicate non-verbally. In either case - in the film, that is - seeing the stomach dermatographia is what compels Karras to seek an exorcism. He takes the writing literally - as if coming from the "imprisoned" Regan herself, and he acts on it, thus setting in motion Merrin's arrival, the exorcism, the window leap, and the aftermath. It's a very important scene for the film.


Bastach; you are ob target here as it has been speculated whether or not the Demon, knowing that Karras would be pushed to attempt an exorcism, used the "help me" sign to tug at his heart enough once and for all. Even manipulating the handwriting being Regan's (signified in the movie without Sharon's confirmation, but using childlike handwriting to let the audience know). That being said, if that was Blatty and Friedkin's desire, they failed as virtually everyone over the years has assumed it was Regan. This can only lead me to decide as I have that it was Regan who performed the message. As for how she did it, I just assumed she was mentally yelling it, and unintentionally expressing it via stigmata means.


Thanks for your kind words... Yeah, I always thought it was Regan, not the demon, as you say, mentally yelling it and then it came out via the stigmata. A small, weak "voice" pleading for help in the middle of demonic imprisonment...
