Peace, Bastach

This is a personal message for board member Bastach. I want you to know that Infinite Love, Peace, and Wisdom is shining through your heart right now. You are not a flawed human being, but a perfect creation of Divine Love. God cannot create anything unlike himself, and you are a child of God. Though you condemn me because you found me obnoxious, I cannot say the same for you. I seenothing but light and illuminating your heart, mind, body, and soul. How you think of me is no consequence to me. I have been called much worse; even in my own mind (I attempted suicide six times between 1999 and 2001). What is important is that you see the peace and light in yourself. That was the purpose of the entire discussion I engaged with you recently. What you saw as condascending was an attempt at me trying to help. If you disagree with the message, that is fine (99% of the world does), but you nonetheless misunderstood my intentions. I no longer even care if you agree. But know that you didn't get my motive at all. In fact, you couldn't be more off the mark. Just know that.


This is the suckiest-ass, lamest post I have ever read in my entire life. When you two fools stop srkkin' each other's drkks, can we get on with talking about the movie again?

Sick of these bachatacha love-fests...

"Cobra Kai? Say it...say it...NEVER DIES!" Karate Kid III
