MovieChat Forums > The Exorcist (1973) Discussion > Change the poster back!

Change the poster back!

Why was it updated to a version with that pointless purple bar across it?


Do you have a screen shot of differences?

Most often there are two reasons for cover art being changed: The first being licensing. The agency who owns the rights to the poster, be it the studio, whomever...most everything is contractual.

It is very common for studios who are marketing movies to a newer generation or want the film to stand out as perhaps "different" (when it's really the same film), will change the cover art to draw attention. Take "Sleeping With The Enemy," for example. The original movie poster was Julia's face with her husband's silhouette. The dvd in the 90's/early 2000's had Julia in the bathtub. It was changed around 2009 or 2010 to be the cover it is now. It's all about money, really, which is no surprise.


It's the same actual poster - Just the new version has that ugly purple bar across the middle.


That is the original poster from 1973.


I'm not going to explain myself again for your convenience.
Simply read my comments again if you are confused for some reason.


It's you who seems confused. That purple blob on the poster is meant to be there. If you look you'll see it is the credits box.

Seems that you would prefer the non original 2000 re release poster, in which case you need to get over it.


The poster shown on the main page of The Exorcist is the original poster when the film was released in 1973. The purple bar at the bottom is where the credits are.

I have the same poster. I had it framed and it hangs in my living room.



Also, why is one of the top images of this film on imdb an photo of Pauly Shore?


He attended some Exorcist event, along with Elvira, Mistress of the Dark.

Guess they wanted some scary people in attendance...


As iconic as the film poster from 1973 was, the cover of the original novel still gives me the chills!
