So Long to Friends

Too bad imdb will be disabling the boards. I wish the best to my Exorcist board friends. Now it's the end of an era, and it's been a good, long run.


Thank you for providing insightful commentary. It has made me love this movie more and convinced me to join up. Unfornate that IMDb has decided this, but it was a joy while it lasted. See you around hopefully, Bastasch.


Thanks, goldeneagle. I'll miss you and my other friends around here.


Thanks for the info you provided me over the years.


Stones, you're welcome. Thanks too for your posts and friendship around here.



Only been here for a short time but you are by far the most knowledgeable person with my favorite movie bastach, and I thank you for your commentary and clarifications. :)

I have no doubt this is due to how poorly this site is moderated and those users who feel the need to pick fights with people for almost anything, but what else can IMDB do apart from spend money on actual people to professionally moderate the forum.
"Make the instant eternal! TIME STOP!"


Thanks for the kind words...yes, I wish that they could afford on-spot moderators who could crack down on trolls and hate-bombing, but as you said, it takes money. Of course in a sense they're losing money now because of all the trolls and "New Users!" who only come on here to waste space...


Ironically, for the scariest movie ever, this board was always a warm and fuzzy place to come. Thanks! I think the disabling is *beep*


Yes, I agree that it's mostly been a very fine experience with new ideas and people noticing new things about this perennially intriguing film. Had Blatty been aware of it, I think he would be happy at its health and endurance.

Re: the disabling - the announcement wording is "open" enough to obscure the "real reasons". Guess we'll never know for sure...


Yes. I could imagine the pompous and narcissistic actors and studio execs are pleased to see a forum disbanded in which the public could criticize them and possibly affect ticket sales and perceptions.

"If youre not on your way to becoming a veterinarian in six weeks, you will be dead"


Thanks, I've really enjoyed your posts and it's great to have fellow Exorcist fans to chat with. This is so sad. There really is no other site where you can hone in so many individual films and discuss.


Thanks, somesunnyday. Yeah, this site is unique, and the opportunities for various discussions manifold. Once it's gone, nothing will ever replace it.


I was never your friend. Unlike you, I have a real life.

"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN


ha ha ha Dave...yessss!!!

Someone else calling out that POS, I love it.

"Cobra Kai? Say it...say it...NEVER DIES!" Karate Kid III



why be a douchebag though?


I've always enjoyed reading your posts bastasch, I will miss your insight to this great film. Such a shame IMDb are disabling the message boards.


Fourminute, thanks so much for your kindness. Yes, I don't know what I will do without my daily imdb message boards "fix". It's been a normal, regular part of my day and my life for decades. Losing it will feel like an amputation. Sure, we can still visit and get info on films, directors, composers, actors, etc. But it won't be the same not being able "to discuss, to critique" any more.

And that's just the movie boards. I've been active a long time on the Religion, Faith and Spirituality board, and that, too, of course, is on the road to quick extinction. I do belong to three or so other boards, but none can hold a candle to imdb, which has a truly unique place.


It sucks that IMDB is doing this. The Exorcist is one of my all-time favorite films, so I've visited this board frequently over the years and have always enjoyed your knowledge of and insight into both the film and the novel, bastasch. I haven't found a substitute for discussion on particular movies, directors, actors, writers, etc. but as far as the other IMDB message boards go, there's a new site ( that looks promising. I signed up last night and have been trying to get some more people from here over there. It's the best IMDB message board alternative I've seen so far, so I hope it takes off.


Thanks for the link MingusFingers, I've just signed up.


You're welcome Fourminutewarning, I'm glad to see you on there.


Thanks for your nice words, Mingus...yes, I'm sort of waiting on the public response to the freeforums site but it might just work - thanks for posting it on here.


No problem bastasch, thanks again for all of your contributions to this board. Hopefully we'll have a viable IMDb alternative soon, whether it's freeforums or another site.


Yes, hope springs eternal...but the loss of these boards will leave holes of varying sizes in posters' online lives and habits.


I'm sort of waiting on the public response to the freeforums site but it might just work

Well, we gotta go somewhere! What ever will I do without my favorite Expertcist? And where will you post your blog entries? Captain Howdy forums? Let's go to the free site and talk the admin into making an Exorcist board just for us. I've been keeping an eye on it, and it has almost 800 members already in like two days...


Miscella, thanks for your nice words. Just to be certain, this is the site we're talking about, right?

I just went to it...seems there are questions being raised about its security, especially per name/email address, and its "legality" per using IMDb's name.

Also, I do not know how to contact the admin about them creating an Exorcist board. It does have a feature on how to create "your own" forum, but that seems to be a different kind of issue altogether.

But now I do plan to check it out multiple times in the next few days, just to get the drift of how it's operating and what posters are saying about it...


It seems like much ado about nothing to me. Apparently it stands for internet media discussion board, which isn't IMDb's name. Haha. We could always breathe new life into captain howdy. Last post there was 3 weeks ago, and some of the forums have been idle for years. Surely some of the board regulars here would come along. We can't just roll over and die! We still haven't figured out who raped Regan!


...that's true, although your Howard theory is brilliant! Yeah, I'll probably go over and check out Captain Howdy and see what the traffic is.
