MovieChat Forums > The Exorcist (1973) Discussion > It wasn't that scary ??

It wasn't that scary ??

I was 12/13 if I remember correctly and I was home alone for a whole night and I like being scared. So I rented this one expecting to be frightened like when I couldn't sleep for straight 4 months after the terrifying Insidious movies. However, this one didn't affect me or anything. I found it more laughable than scary tbh (laughed once when the girl crawled backwards down the stairs)


Okay... I was just gonna let this one - like so many other "this didn't scare ME!" posts - go. So - you laughed at the Friedkin film but you thought the Insidious movies were..."terrifying". No accounting for taste, I guess.

So: Now you're on record here that The Exorcist was, for you, more laughable than scary. That statement, of course, has no wings. Nothing interesting or creative can be done with it, unless you want to elaborate specifically why it didn't scare you - or unless you want to say something else about the film, the screenplay, the direction, etc. ...


^perfect response. Case closed.


Thanks, bangel... Looks like the OP either just doesn't care to discuss it any further, or doesn't want to bother with defending the notion that this film isn't scary, and why other films are more scary than this one...



I fainted. But too embarrassed to admit to it.



Oh, that's fine... I was just trying to coax the OP into explaining his fear-factor...


well said. The OP sounds like a jr high kid!

suzycreamcheese RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008


Scary as hell in 1973, not so much today.
I thought the puppet growling in a cartoonish voice to be quite silly to be honest.
I found myself being puzzled more than anything, but i was also surprised at how violent and vulgar it got for a film that old. You can clearly see why it caused a stir, but certainly not too scary for modern adult audience.

And for the record, i watched the film for the first time today.


I agree. This movie is severely overrated. Not only is it not the least bit scary but it's an incredible bore. I hate this movie.


Don't forget to visit The Godfather, the original Star Wars, The Wrath of Kahn, ET, Jurassic Park, Lawrence of Arabia to state how overrated they all are.

There's always a bunch of you on such boards.

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel


You are welcome to disagree with me, but in no way is this film "underrated".



This film is in every way underrated, and you're welcome to agree with me.

How? I don't think it's a good movie at all but it's far from underrated. It's constantly labeled as the "scariest movie ever made". How in the world does that translate to being "underrated". Please explain.


I was thinking the same thing, lol the film considered on of the best films of all time (not just horror) it's so iconic, historic, changed cinema and horror forever and has left a massive legacy regardless if one likes it or not. I like it personally

The first horror film to be nominated for best picture at the Oscars to.
Clearly the film is highly rated and rightfully so. I suspect the poster knows this was just just trolling, seems to be the done thing theses days when someone doesn't share the same opinion. I'm quite shocked at how much of that goes on in this forum, id thought The Exorcist would attract a better class of fan.



I'm still waiting for you to explain how the movie is overrated. Please explain.

Wow, either you're extremely dense or you're illiterate. I just did that. I'm not going to repeat myself when it's right up there in black and white. Have someone read it to you if you are having trouble sounding out the words.



Actually I'm going to opt to end this "conversation" because you have done nothing to add to it, instead choosing to continue to comment on how I haven't backed up my claim (which I did, you illiterate moron) when you, yourself, continue making proclamations that you refuse to offer any example of. I'm as bored with you as I was this movie. Goodbye.



Trolling is a sin.


You're not alone. I didn't find it that scary either, but I didn't watch it for the first time until 2015, so I probably missed the boat.

Live Deliciously!


but you thought the Insidious movies were..."terrifying"

Insidious was downright cute, with the 'Tiptoe through the Tulips' song.

I think you had to be there when The Exorcist was released in theaters, but I can't think of a film that scared me since then.

Any suggestions?


the terrifying Insidious

Enough said.

"Puss rules!"
"It's Pus"
