Where was Columbo?

I kept expecting Columbo to show up. I don't know why.


Must've been the black vinyl chairs, shag carpetting, the funky davenport. I really felt transported back to 1973, but then I just watched the scene of his "pad".


The entire time, I also was thinking of Columbo-the production was identical to that of a Columbo episode.



The entire time, I also was thinking of Columbo.the production was identical to that of a Columbo episode.

Even the quality of this movie is identical to your typical Columbo episode.


It's ironic because I always thought Edward G. Robinson in the original reminded me of Columbo. In fact, he might have been an inspiration for the character, though I've never read about it.


I don't think there is any doubt about Edward G Robinson's character in films like this and THE STRANGER being the role model for Columbo. I've never read what Peter Falk said about it, but I'm sure he would have testified to it if ever he was asked. It's very obvious.

we have the holy handgrendade


Just watched the '73 version of D.I. Awful stuff. I, too, think it was like a Columbo episode without Columbo.


Yes! I though the same thing watching this version. It was like watching Columbo, the only difference was is that Columbo's director is a bit more interested in making a good episode than the director who made this. I don't know, it seems that they needed a TV movie in '73, and thought "Hey, why not a cheap quick version of Dougble Indemnity." After all, with the popularity of Columbo and Barnaby Jones, they were just cashing in.
