MovieChat Forums > The Forgotten Discussion > Was Charlotte... (spoilers)

Was Charlotte... (spoilers)

Was Charlotte insane, too? At one point in the movie, the judge tells her that the reason she's in the asylum is that she's really a patient who was transferred there. (I think that she was at least insane by the time she got out of there, from everything she'd been through.)


No, I think Charlotte was supposed to be sane, although her level of denial throughout the entire movie has to count for something! That moment when the judge says that to her is one of my favorite moments in this film. It's brilliant.


Once the fact that Dr. Masters was a patient was revealed, I started questioning everything. I think that was the point. Was Masters really a patient? Or would Charlotte think this, kill Masters only to find she was a doctor all along?

My interpretation was that at that moment, Charlotte wasn't quite sure that Masters wasn't a Doctor. The news came as a shock to her, and had come from an unreliable source. (Somebody who was insane.) That's why she wanted all of the patients to confirm the news. Oliver W. Cameron was insane, and considered himself a judge. He was passing sentence as it were. It was meant to confuse the viewers, and Charlotte. Rather than be something that was true. It added to the sinking feeling that all wasn't as it seemed. It could be true, even if it wasn't...

I think the point was, after Charlotte got out, and the patients were all killed, who would really know the truth of it all? Charlotte didn't just run off after being freed, she turned and looked at the building for a sustained pause before running. Maybe she sensed that she would never truly understand everything that went on in there.


Of course Dr. Masters was a patient. That's not in question here at all. We see Dr. Master's slip one of the profile cards in her desk drawer as her and Charlotte are reviewing the profile cards of the patient. It's blatantly obvious.


Masters even acknowledges it herself, in her closing speech. "I wanted to be the best, and I could have been...except for one, insignificant life..."


No, I know Masters was a patient. I was thinking more that the character of Charlotte may not have necessarily realised it at first, especially because The Judge told her so. We the audience see things she doesn't. So, at this point, she still wouldn't be sure.

I was one of the slow people who didn't realise Dr. Masters was a patient, until it was revealed. So was sat there going; "Oh Man!" The Judge passed sentence, claiming that he believed Charlotte was also a patient. At that time, I started wondering if that could be true as well.

Obviously, it wasn't. The point I was really trying to make was that in Charlotte's mind, it would've led to her being even more confused. I think when the judge said it, she might have believed it too. (And even the audience might've wondered if it was true, based on the Dr. Masters revelation.)




No, I think Charlotte was the only sane person in the entire movie.


Charlotte went to the Sanitarium on her own and had a letter from Dr. Stephens. If she was a patient, she'd be pattywagoned in by some EMTs.
