MovieChat Forums > Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (1973) Discussion > im sure that house has been in many a cr...

im sure that house has been in many a creepy tv movie ?

does anyone else recognise that house ? im sure ive seen it in other creepy tv movies/anthology series etc. the one that has the ovel shaped balcony. snyone know where this house is located ? (if it still exists).


If this house still exits, i would love to go see it. This movie effected me so much as a kid. It would almost be like going to Gettysberg LOL!


the house was used in the movie "House" starring William Katt, great movie



I also think I saw this house in an
X-FILES episode.


I don't think this was the same house from House part 1, but this house does have a nice aerial shot somewhere in Tarantulas: The Deadly Cargo.


The beautiful house was also used in the
"Haunted Angels" episode of Charlie's Angels!
(Season 4)


The house was also featured in the made-for-TV movies 'Night Cries' and 'Tarantulas: The Deadly Cargo', as well as an episode of 'The Incredible Hulk'.
