Loosely Based on a True Story

I believe this movie to be loosely based on the work of scientist John C. Lilly who wrote the books “Communication between Man and Dolphin” and “The Mind of the Dolphin” circa 1960-1970,


Yes, I believe you are correct. It was John C Lilly who worked with dolphins. He was instrumental in bringing the intelligence of dolphins to light. The Scientist is also a good book detailing the time period he worked with them.

The movie Altered States was also somewhat based on John C Lilly's other work. :-)


There is also the well established facts that the Russians were training dolphins to be mine/bomb layers and also attack swimmers/divers.

You have to assume there was a reciprocal western programme.

Those that dismiss the film as haveing nothing more than a ridiculous concept are off base.


The ridiculous part of the film was having one of the greatest actors who ever lived, saying, in his gruff, scratchy voice throughout the movie, "Pa, Fa, Ma, Fa, Ma, Pa...." It would have been better if he just read the L.A. phone book.
