Great Movie

I remember seeing this as a child on regular TV, had to be no later than 1975 or so. Havent seen it since....until tonite. I see that this movie never went to VHS, and the DVD came out recently so thats why the board for this movie is empty. This was such an entertaining movie, perfectly acted and written. Really enjoyed it.


i saw the movie when it first came out. i loved it! Everyone in the movie said "don't worry about it!" or something close, that's what i remember most.


Yep. I enjoyed it too. So much so I brought the DVD a while back.

I remember they used to show this on TV waaay back when, too!

The DVD I have seems to have a slightly different ending than the movie (at least if my memory serves me correctly). But its been soooo long since i've seen it on TV....


I saw this in the early-mid-'80's on TV and have never seen it since--I always thought the premise was excellent, but I have to say, even though the movie was interesting, it was boring as hell in some spots---there were parts where it seemed like some particular scene was filmed literally in slow motion---that's how boring it came off as. A damn shame, given the premise, but that's probably part of the reason it's so obscure---plus it's got two interesting actors in the lead,whom I kind of like.
