Anamorphic DVD?

Is there an anamorphic DVD of this? The one I have isn't, and I can't find much info online.

"Eye for an eye, and the whole world's a pirate"


I bought this on dvd recently on the soul cinema label along with 'Foxy Brown'. This was letterboxed for standard 1:33 and I had to zoom in to fill out the 16x9 screen. When I watched 'Foxy Brown' on the same label that was full 16 x 9 anamorphic, so go figure. 'Coffy' would be worth owning on blu ray as it is awesome, so at least I have had an opportunity to watch it. Have ordered several more titles on the soul cinema label and it will be interesting to see how they have been formatted.


Coffy, Foxy Brown, and Friday Foster are being released by Olive Films on June 9. Haven't seen FF yet, but looking forward to watching them all in hi-def.

