This Film is a Hidden Gem

Was surprised to find out it was on DVD and available. Even more suprised at how earnest and well-crafted it is.

I only really wanted to see a young Marsha Mason play something other than the shrew she later became typecast for, and even more intrigued by the idea that she would play a loose woman. She's never looked sexier, and her performance was deeply moving and convincing.

Caan is amazingly nuanced and restrained, almost childlike -- a stunner given his performance as Sonny Corleone only the year before.


It's a superb film, isn't it? This belongs alongside other adult dramas of the early to mid-'70s like "Five Easy Pieces," "King of Marvin Gardens" and "Summer Wishes, Winter Dreams." It seemed like films changed drastically a few years after this with all the blockbusters and "event" movies, but it's nice to know that at one point studios would still take a chance on well-written, intelligent films that may or may not have found an audience.

James Caan has proved himself in his many roles, but I think his effectiveness in the "Godfathers" and other action-heavy films tended to limit the parts he was offered. He's completely vulnerable and honest here.

This is probably my favorite Marsha Mason performance, though that's an easy call because usually I find her annoying. I think Neil Simon wrote the most vivid characters for her, and instead of making her charming she came off as obnoxious. But here she's dark and gritty.

It's too bad this film isn't better known, but that's typical of my favorite movies.



Paul Williams' songs were made for romance, and vice versa.


Marsha Mason played "shrews"? I don't get that at all. I've always loved her in the movies, and on TV. (Currently she plays the grandma on "The Middle.")


Marsha Mason's performance in "Blume in Love" was also good.


op nailed it, a hidden gem indeed, all three leads really shined, they don't make them like this anymore


This film is also one of my favorites, both funny and poignant, unforgettable once you have seen it. James Caan's character is so touching.


I think Marsha Mason is very talented and is great in a variety of roles, so I don't understand why you would say that she was typecast for a "shrew."
