Twist at the end, WTF ?

What happens at the end, who is it ?, all I see is a blurry shadow walk away ?

The film was great but the ending left me a little puzzled, does anyone have info on this ?


i know you posted this a while ago, but i just watched "a bell from hell" last night" and ****SPOILERS**** the person at the end is the hobo-ish guy with the mute daughter. juan helped the daughter earlier when he saved her from the village men who were hunting and were going to rape her. so, it was a case of the hobo paying back juan's kindness while getting revenge on his daughter's potential rapist at the same time.


The hoboish guy was kind of freaky. I didn't get the starting part because it seems Juan knows him before the rape attempt. He goes to meet him in the forest or something and he says something about I told you this would happen or your luck or something. The sound is muffled on the dvd I have also..


Then who rode off on the motorcycle?
If it was Renaud Varney's character, how did he get out of the bell tower?


so juan was dead, after all
