What was the point?!


The movie slogan 'They Took His Land...His Horses...His Woman...But...They Couldn't Take Chino!' is wrong. He GAVE it all away. It should read 'He gave away His Land...His Horses...His Woman...And...Then Chino Left!' Which is also the entire script.

He chases off his horses, burns down his own house, abandons his ‘woman’ –after he practically raped her. Then he deserts his land and rides off saying 'I'm leaving now!' Eh? WTF?



The overall effect was that it was a waste of time.


Agreed. I don't know what they were trying to say. It was a depress-fest and wasn't particularly well made either. Definitely not the John Sturges of "The Magnificent Seven" or "The Great Escape."


I can understand why many found it to be a bore and completely pointless, but others (myself included) can enjoy films like this, i.e., bleak, lack of character development, doesn't go anywhere, and so on. It may not be entertaining, but it can make for a compelling watch sometimes. And I know, most just feel that it's a weak film overall. Granted if it wasn't for Bronson (who gives one of his best performances), I'd probably wouldn't even bother with this. But frankly, I liked the whole thing. It's a nice gem.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!
