Best sequel. Best POTA movie

i'll have to revise my POTA best/worst list. just watched this again and its my favorite. great story and characters


I think they should've taken the story and the characters and made a TV series out of it instead of the aimless one we got a year later.


oh i didn't see the tv series. this movie was really good. i liked how the gorilla's even took orders from Caesar. like Bond, they should have made a sequel every couple years. i wouldn't have minded that. or a series with these characters like you said


Unfortunately, at the time Fox was recovering from nearly going bankrupt, which was why each sequel had a smaller budget than the previous one. Battle had to be the final movie or the next one would've had cardboard sets.


that sucks. i wonder if the apes and humans advanced quickly in technology after this movie. they seemed pretty intelligent and curious about time travel, scientific things. i think due to their high intelligence the apes and humans got along. they seem very similar. who knows lol


The Lawgiver scenes were in their future. We didn't see their village (again, the budget), but they didn't seem any more technically advanced than Caesar's community.


oh that's right. maybe they have a law against technology. technology advancement seems to cause a lot of problems sometimes


I don't think they wanted to model their culture after the one they had rebelled against; only utilizing mechanisms like guns, because they needed them.


in the Planet of the Apes : Synopsis it says, "Zaius claims that man's high intelligence mixed with his need to war... to destroy.Zaius explains that the Forbidden Zone was once a paradise, but it was destroyed by man many hundreds of years ago."

i guess he thought Apes also may destroy themselves if they had man's technology.

now i wonder how big the Ape population was in Planet of the Apes. it seems rather small after a couple thousand years.

also i wonder if there were Apes on other continents. since Apes do possess man's jealously and greed as Aldo proved, i bet at some point Apes had a big war amongst themselves at some point in the future.

oh well, just a few things to think about


On Beneath, between the Citizens Council meeting and the gorilla army, we saw a good portion of the population. But that was probably only half, since we saw no female gorillas or orangutans, or young ones.
On the TV show we saw communities on the opposite coasts.
The apes rebelled against slavery, creating their own society. Ape slavery had to have been world-wide, since Caesar announced that apes on five continents would be imitating their actions.


i'm going to have to watch the tv show. i always wanted to. i'm going to start tomorrow i think.


Opinions vary. I think Battle is the worst one, even well below Tim Burton's crapfest. The story was very basic, with absolutely no reason why the idiot humans stayed in the radiated city, and the acting was very weak.


Didn't those in the city think everyone else in the world was dead?

It wasnt me, it was the other three. Hang them!


Kolp and crew remained in the city for a safe-hold. They knew Caesar and co. were lurking somewhere. They wanted to protect the bomb, which they considered their only real defense.


Not really. They were surprised that anyone else had survived the war.


Excellent point Alan. When Caesar and party set off the alarm, Kolp tells Mendez that 'it must be someone else' and Mendez says 'There is no one else'. So the mutants thought no one else had survived the war.


I see. It has been a while since I've seen it.
