MovieChat Forums > The Baby Discussion > I just saw this for the first time and.....

I just saw this for the first time and...

I'm pretty sure I loved it! :)

I'm actually kind of upset that I didn't find it sooner! It was so bizarre and yet so wonderful at the same time. The twist ending was just amazing.. and the performances were way above average for this type of movie. I had rented it from Netflix about a week ago along with Let's Scare Jessica To Death and had a kidney stone problem so I wasn't able to watch it until I got home from the being in the hospital last night. I figured it was safe to watch in the middle of the night while my hubby slept.. I had no idea it was going to turn out to be something that I was going to HAVE to make him see too! I can't wait to see his reaction.


Isn't this a great movie? "Bizarre" is what I would call it. It definately keeps your attention throughout. You never know what is going to happen next. It's not really scary just plain weird! I never saw the twist coming at the end either. It played at drive in movies in the 1970's. I thought the young blonde girl "Alba" was especially pretty.
Sorry about your kidney stone. I hear that's really painful.


Thanks! It is painful but I'm coping...

I've seen it twice since my posting and my hubby loved it as well! I could'nt help but comb the imdb pages of the cast... The young blonde was originally cast as Chrissy Snow on Three's Company and my husband instantly recognized the other daughter from Godfather 2. It's really nice to see others posting here that really appreciate this little gem!

I've been on quite the early 1970's movies kick since being laid up so now I'm off to watch Race With the Devil!! :)


I think I saw Race with the Devil a long time ago. Is that about a family in a camper being terrorized?
I like the movie "The Baby" much better though. You can't get much more bizarre and stranger than that one. It has you glued to the TV to see what's going to happen next.


Well with a screen name like Sally Hardesty, you have to be pretty cool in my book (and tuned into one of the best Cult films of the 70's!) I love the opening warning: "The film you are about to see is an account of a tragedy that befell a group of five youths, in particular, Sally Hardesty and her invalid brother, Franklin." - < Classic!

Yep, I love this movie as well, so odd but the party scene is a trip, all those hippies & potheads, it's a great flashback to 1973, for sure! And seeing Ruth Roman dancing to that sax music, cracked me up!! Good call!
Tha Baby!!!


I first saw this years ago late night on tv. I must have been quite young when i saw it but it stuck with me. Anyway several years later it came on a again and i recorded it. That tape is long gone and I'm struggling to find a dvd thats region 2. Any ideas?

I totally love this film and had a mad crush on the sporty daughter. It is without doubt one of the greatest weird movies ever. Hard to know where i would put it on a list of faves cos its so stand alone but really good!


Yeah, that blonde chick was pretty hot, however it was the other sister (Marianne Hill I think) that got a lot more work thoughout the 70's in such films as High Plains Drifter and by 1980, Blood Beach.

I just sold my VHS copy of The Baby for around $20, but I do have it on DVD as well, and if I sold the DVD, I would have to sell it for a lot more, because it is so rare, out of print & hard to find!
By Region 2, do you mean European, are you in the U.K. per chance??
Here is where I will list The Baby DVD, but I will have to check to see if it will play in 'All Regions' or just in the U.S.

"Now, I know I'm pretty, but I ain't as pretty as a coupla titties!"


I just saw it for the first time last night, and I loved it too! It's the next morning right now and I'm watching it again..

The other day I bought the Terror Pack by Geneon which includes The Baby and 5 other movies. This collection is out of print and I found it at an electronic store closing down so I bought it 50% off of $24.99.

I can't get enough of this flick! It's so original, the actors are amazing, especially Marianna Hill who plays Germaine, her eyes give off an intensity of desperation and craziness! And the musical score is great, especially the violin at the end when Mrs. Wadsworth and her daughters are sneaking into Ann Gentry's home.

This movie is one in a million for sure..




Two nights ago, I just watched "The Baby" for the first time. I have been an avid horror fan since I was a kid. Honestly, I thought that I had seen everything, but I was very pleasantly surprised after viewing this 70's gem! Honestly, I could watch "The Baby" countless times. It has that special something that the viewer can't ever forget. I agree with all that you wrote. It is bizarre and wonderful and the twist at the end is amazing. In all honesty, I haven't seen a film this interesting in current years. The saying, "They just don't make them like that anymore" is so true.

I am about to watch "Let's Scare Jessica to Death." Did you like it?


So what did you think of "Let's Scare Jessica to Death"? These '70s shockers had so much grit, atmosphere and imagination that it's hard to watch the pretty teens and their fake scares in movies these days. Another great one is "The Other":




Oh, brother.
