MovieChat Forums > The Baby Discussion > Any other movies like this?

Any other movies like this?

Just finished watching THE BABY yesterday. Thought it was great. Reminded me of IMPULSE, which stars William Shatner and features Ruth Roman. I don't know why THE BABY reminds me of IMPULSE. Perhaps it's every 1970s aspect about it - hairstyles, clothes, cars, music, etc.

Anyway, does anyone know of any other movies like THE BABY? If so, please provide some details. It would be much appreciated.


I'm a big fan of '70s weirdo cinema, and I can tell you there's nothing quite like this movie. "The Baby" is truly in a crib by itself! But a couple films come to mind that might appeal to you if you like drive-in/grindhouse-type fare.

Most similar are the films of Curtis Harrington, particularly the excellent "Killing Kind" from 1973 (finally on DVD), which also features Ruth Roman (terrific actress who made several of these types of movies late in her career). His "Night Tide" (1961) "What the Matter With Helen" (1971) and "Ruby" (1977) are also very good.

Also check out the films of Larry Cohen, particularly "It's Alive" (1974) and "God Told Me To" (1977). And Bob Clark's "Dead of Night" (aka "Death Dream, 1974).

If you like cult films, you've probably already seen the original "Wicker Man" (1973 -- avoid the remake at all costs!) and Nicolas Roeg's "Don't Look Now" (also from '73). And Brian De Palma's "Sisters" is creepy and effective also. That's from 1973 as well -- clearly, it was a very good year!

A few harder-to-find supernatural titles that are worth seeking out are "Full Circle" (aka "The Haunting of Julia," 1977) and "Let's Scare Jessica to Death" (1971).

And because I have your ear, I'll recommend Burt Lancaster in "The Swimmer" (1968), a poetic film that gets stranger the more you watch. It's not quite as weird as "The Baby," but it's an excellent film that would appear to fans of the offbeat.

Have you seen any of these? Any similar ones you'd recommend to me? Happy viewing!


*The shout
*the monster aka I dont want to be born.

Bullshyt MR han-man!!


This movie reminded me of two other weird, cult type movies:

Baby Doll (1956) - Adult in a crib

Spider Baby (1968) - Weird family

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


I'd recommend 'Toys Are Not For Children' for something similar:



"Sonny Boy" 1989 Has a *VERY* similar plot

It makes "The Baby" look like an episode of 'Little House on the Prairie.'

I'm making it a point to not see it ever again, because of its gratuitous depravity and no socially redeeming values whatsoever. It is mean-spirited to the hilt, for no apparent reason other than to fvck with the viewers mind.

Watch at your own risk.


The Baby is now up on Netflix. And so is The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane, another offbeat, creepy thriller.



Hi, twiki -- let me know your thoughts after you have seen it. Hopefully it won't be too hard for you to find.

There's one thing I could tell you about David Carradine's character which is pretty funny, but I'll let you see that for yourself.

Hope you like it better than I did (wouldn't take much, though)!

Jaywalking is RAMPANT!!!
~ Barney Fife


"The Mind of Mr. Soames" is a distant cousin.


I remember The Mind of Mr. Soames vaguely. This quote comes to mind: "Dammit, I want the red car, please." The ending was quite sad, if I recall correctly (he orders milk at a bar, then eventually the cops get him...?). I'm 44 and I saw that when I was about 12. Some things just stick with you forever, don't they? I would love to see that one again.

EDIT: I just watched it on YouTube. It was as good as I remember. Terence Stamp was a hottie - in fact, he's still quite good looking.

Highly recommended!

Jaywalking is RAMPANT!!!
~ Barney Fife


Girly (aka Mumsy, Nanny, Sonny & Girly) another very unusual movie (from 1970)

I'm reaching for the life within me. How can one man stop his ending. ~ Blue October


Bad Boy Bubby. Retarded 30 year old has never left his house. Mom keeps him for sex by saying the air outside is poison. Then he goes out & finds other girls...


Another horror flick with the whole treating adults like kids would be a film called "american gothic" 1988 (not to be confused with the tv series) It is also pretty twisted with a surprise ending..check it out, is in the same vain as "the baby".


I guess "Flowers in the Attic", "Sybil" and "The Girl Next Door" have a common theme of extreme child abuse and neglect.

While watching, I did think of Tennessee Williams' "Baby Doll" -- but that's more of a prurient southern grotesque than this.



Actually the thriller/horror movie "Baby Blues" was quite good. It's lower budget (not a credit card movie but not Hollywood either) and deals with a mom suffering from post-partum trying to kill her children while alone at a country house. Sounds offensive and gross, but it's surprisingly well done and pulls no punches. Reminded me a little of "Frailty" too.

Now playing at DANTE & LULU
