
Wow! What a hateful old fossil she is..the character is brilliant. Gloria reminds me of the old days of soaps, when the women were THAT mean and crazy. Gloria is old-school..and she makes the show.

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Can't stand that character she's like a character in a SNL skit, or farcical Norma Desmond. Her facial expressions are too contorted. She isn't on stage.

A touch of her would be fine for comic relief but because they shower us with her everyday she drains the drama. Instead of real drama we get slapstick. The clown show has arrived at Jabot. SMH


No!! You don't understand that Gloria is what soaps are all about; that crazy, super-dramatic bitch who is constantly inventing new ways to hurt people and to get people to respect her. It's great drama. would you rather have more of Sharon, pouting and chewing on her hair? Or Lily, the wind-up Barbie doll, dealing with her boring, uneventful life? You are SUPPOSED to hate Gloria. She is a vile, disgusting person. What would a soap opera be without "vile and disgusting" people?? I think she is extremely entertaining. Also don't take her too lightly; that "clown" was responsible for putting chemical solvent into face cream which burned peoples skin. She is anything but a clown; she's a dangerous character..and capable of doing ANYTHING to get what she wants..

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I understand what a love to hate character is. That's how I felt about Katherine Chancellor. Kay could be funny, mean, or anything in between, but she never had to chew the scenery to death.

I'm all for scenery chewing characters to stir the pot, but when they are used too often they end up ruining the drama and the funny parts. Most of the time the best humor isn't up in your face. And no one needs it in their face on daily basis.

I don't love to hate Gloria because she's too much, all the time. If they would've stopped at the Jack/Gloria bed scene and had her come back in two weeks to do something else that would've worked. Instead they saturate the whole Fenmore storyline with her.I find myself taking a bathroom/snack break, or FF her, as we get farther into an episode she is on. It's too much.

Gloria is in full face making mode for simple random conversations. IT'S LIKE ALWAYS TYPING IN CAPS! A SENTENCE OF IT IS ENOUGH, YOU DON'T WANT TO READ PAGES TYPED THIS WAY.


Your description is SPOT ON.

Viewers fall into one of two camps: Love Gloria or Loathe Gloria. Either way, NO ONE would ever call Gloria boring. She really livens up things. Experienced soap-actress Judith Chapman is an expert at over-the-top, soap acting. The writers are tossing her soft balls and she is knocking it out of the park.

I like Gloria but won't debate with someone who hates her. Someone legitimately can have either opinion of the character. Either way, the scenes with her are always interesting.

Give me older, tiger-print wearing Gloria any day of the week over the beautiful, stylish (but very BLAND) Abby.


Yes, Judith Chapman has been doing it for decades; remember her as Ginny Blake, pumping that bullet into DL Brock? Yes, Gloria has EXACTLY the kind of energy this show needs. I mean how long do we have to settle for watching Sharon stumble around her house in a state of depression? I suspect the show has hired back a former writer, because Y&R has improved recently. And getting rid of Dylan was a stroke of genius; talk about BORING...

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Was Ginny Blake a character on GH? I've never watched that show so I didn't see Chapman as Ginny.

However, I'll date myself by going back further.....

I remember Chapman as Natalie Bannon Hughes on ATWT in the mid 70's. She was great in that role as well.


I'm watching GH December of 1981 episodes. The character of Ginny was mentioned (not by name) as having slipped out of PC years ago on a steamer and leaving little Michael with her mother, Molly, a sad, fragile woman who died of pneumonia after the ice princess story. I get six months of GH at a time so should be at Feb. 1984 in three months. Her GH stint followed her 4 month stint as Charlotte Greer on "Ryan's Hope" in a story that was critically praised. She is very "old school" and having also seen her on OLTL and "Days" (and her subbing for Jess as Jill), and have always liked her, if not the characters. I'll never forger her as a terrorist on the short lived nighttime soap "Flamingo Road". It's a testament to her talent that on a show with "Young" in the title, she's in a front burner story and being very "restless".

"Great theater makes you smile. Outstanding theater may make you weep."


Wow! Please can you tell me, HOW you are able to watch episodes of GH from 1981. I would LOVE to re-visit old episodes of that show!! I want to see DL Brock terrorizing Port Charles!

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I liked her on "Santa Cruz" in "28 Days."

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