Bob Serial Cheat

Anybody else noticed that Bob was constantly involved with other girls, there was Wendy his secretary, whom he'd definitley been involved with as was more than hinted at (in the stationary cupboard. Then there was the girl in the Christmas special.
It always makes me laugh but for all the thinking that Terry lead Bob astray most of his worst behaviour was of his own volition and when Terry wasn't even around.


Nobody got an opinion?


Your bang right, even in the film Bob managed to pull the young bit of skirt and leave poor Terry behind in the B&B.

I think the whole concept of 'Whatever happened to the likely lads?', was to portray Bob as being jealous of Terry's single life. Bob was stuck playing mixed doubles at badminton whilst Terry was wasting his benefits down the boozer and gambling at the casino, with money that Bob had lent him, with a sexy young lady on his arm.

I recently watched all the series with my girlfriend, she liked Bob and loathed Terry in the beginning, but that changed by the time we got to the Christmas special.


Also, in The Old Magic (I think), Bob suddenly changes after a few drinks and is the driving force in trying to pull the two nearby "birds" in the restaurant.

I thought it was brilliantly done - the theme of the episode was Bob treating Terry to a civilised dinner to say goodbye to the old ways. He sat smugly lecturing Terry about how life must move on, we put our wild ways behind us and we must settle down, then in an instant, he loses all self-control! It proves the OP's point - his instinct was to cheat when he could, but it was usually repressed by the veneer of suburban respectability, his Vauxhall Viva and new house on the Elm Lodge housing estate. Fabulous writing.

No Guru, No Method, No Teacher.


Having always been the "Terry" routinely blamed by mothers, girlfriends, wives, etc. for always leading brothers and mates "Astray" I can certainly appreciate that!

"I'd say... they must be Terry's- I loaned him the car!"


I love that episode with the two girls

"and don't talk to that Terry Collier"


Yes but probably because Thelma is a complete nightmare.
She's rude, stuck up, opinionated constantly having a go at Bob, when he hasn't done anything.
Bobs weekend was ruined for him by her turning up, I could never marry her if I were a man
Bloody hell flaming pIn in the ass


Thelma fancied Terry - she was getting fed up of 'perfect' Bob


Eurgh - I would like Terry as a friend but not a lover no way


Well Thelma had different ideas.
