Bisexual Swedish women?

So many references to this in Bergman's movies, including this one (very good, by the way), The Silence, Persona,... If anyone, he got to know Swedish (Scandinavian) women in his life, as much as possible. But so many lesbian motifs are too big a surprise to me. Anyone else?


Yeah, I find it funny how Ingmar Bergman, who was (surprisingly) heterosexual, seems to include female homo-eroticism in several of his movies.

There is even a scene Bergman's 1949 film Thirst that involves a failed attempt at lesbian seduction. Pretty shocking to find a scene like that from 1949, I'll say. You can find Thirst on Hulu.

Cast Away...It's like Forrest Gump, but on an island.


Ah, yes, I forgot about that one. Quite shocking indeed. I watched Thirst and almost all of Bergman's movies, but I watched them chronologically so that's probably why I forgot about it.


I'm sorry if you thought my previous poster was geared towards you. I just meant it to anyone who came across the thread, so sorry if you took it the wrong way.

I watched Thirst and almost all of Bergman's movies, but I watched them chronologically so that's probably why I forgot about it.

Ah, I see. I don't blame you. Bergman had an impressive 40+ films throughout his entire filmography. I just recently finished my journey throughout his films and it was definitely worth it. He made some really great films.

Cast Away...It's like Forrest Gump, but on an island.


No, I'm glad you reminded me of that scene. I think Tarkovsky said his biggest respect was for Bresson and Bergman. They all mutually respected the most. I've seen some from Tarkovsky as well, but none yet from Bresson...


Sorry but where are the references to bisexuality in this movie?


I said so many to bisexual Swedish women in Bergman's movies in general, and that in this one there is that pretty much lesbian motif, when Anna is caressing Karin in bed - image of this scene is on most of the posters of this movie - in a position resembling to Michelangelo's Pieta.


when Anna is caressing Karin in bed
I think you mean AGNES.


Yes, Agnes. I forgot who was who, replied quite a while after seeing the movie.
