Is this film any good

I've never heard of it and I've heard of everything! I adore Italian/french horror.


yeah i wanna know too


Netflix has it. It is superb. Even if you are'nt a giallo fan. If you like foreign films or any Hitchcock you will love this.

If you like this one I highly recommend The Case of the Bloody Iris and The Bird with the Crystal Plummage. They are my top 3 giallo films.


no it's terrible.

Buy the soundtrack cd - it's a better way to spend money.

'i regard it [religion] as a disease born of fear'

bertrand russell.



I'm a big fan of Italian horror as well, as long as the film has a strong story and decent performances and direction. This has it all, though the ending is a bit of a letdown. 8/10 stars from me, mainly because of the exquisite art direction.


I found it quite decent overall and pretty full on for its time.

Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!
