Favorite segment?

Mine is Poetic Justice. Wonderfully done EC Comics story with a hell of an ending and Peter Cushing was excellent.


Ok when I look at and study each storyline, I can think of various ways that Id like to try and improve each one.

But as we're still talking about the original (1972 version) here, Ive got to say that the Peter Cushing 'Poetic justice' story impresses me the most.


Peter Cushing is great. He makes this segment my choice as well. Very pitiful character who deserves revenge.


I love them all but either Poetic Justice or Blind Alleys is my favorite.


Did the Major deserve that what the blind men did to him ?

It was a nasty way to go, but we werent meant to feel sorry for him were we!


"All Through the House"

But I'm biased. I loved the TFTC tv show episode. I saw the episode years ago before I ever watched this film.
