what's your favorite 'tale'

Late night showing. I watched it coz there was nothing else on.

And i was pleasantly surprised. All the tales seemed very well written, and were witty, and quite frightening.

My favourite tale was the one about the snobbish man, who drove his kind old neighbour to suicide (who i thought was very well portrayed by Cushing) by making his life a misery.....on valentines day.

I liked the little bit of dark humour in the poem he left on his posthumous return :)

What was everyne else's favourite story.


i liked that one to,
and the one where that bloke got eaten by his dog...who knew blind ppl were so talented?

Wherever, whatever, have a nice day...





The one with Peter Cushing... and the final one in the blind asylum.


The one with Peter Cushing as the kindhearted old man driven to suicide by the actions of his nasty neighbor is definitely the best one. You empathise fully with Cushing's predicament as, one by one, his job, his friendship with the local children, and finally even his reputation are ruthlessly and systematically destroyed by the callous, wealthy neighbor across the road. The final "come-uppance" is well and truly deserved.


My favorite is 'Poetic Justice' with Peter Cushing. He is just a kind old man who turns the tables on a cruel young man.

I'd rank them like this:

1) Poetic Justice
2) And All Through To House
3) Wish You Where Here
4) Reflection Of Death
5) Blind Alleys.

I've read all of the comic version except for 1 and 5 but, I've read the novel of the movie released by Batnum Books in 1972.


Was the story "Blind Alleys" taken from the EC comic? If so, how much different was it to the movie story?

The Webmaster
Single Movie Lovers


By far the best of the lot was the segment with Peter Cushing, thanks to his heartwrenching performance and also a most satisfying payoff. As has been written elsewhere, Cushing's real-life wife Helen had died just months before he worked on this film. If you can't feel for Cushing here, as his initial befuddlment gives way to anguish, then you're as heartless as his wretched neighbor -- in every sense!


i was actually feeling ill after "wish you were here," but that just be the sort of horror that gets to me -- truely disturbing. embalming fluid? i mean, really...that's ingenious.


Poetic Justice with the late, great Peter Cushing.



That's my favorite one also but I don't know why. It may have something to do with the fact I'm a huge Cushing fan.

Very dark...very dark indeed.


Yeah, Poetic Justice's story was really mean, sad and scary - a good combination.
