Mariette Hartley

Character is obviously pregnant and proudly orders a "Bloody Mary on the rocks." Ooops. Those were the days...


Speaking of the old days, I remember in the westerns where they used whiskey as anesthesia for the patient.


I thought she was kidding, shekinda laughed after she said it

"A daffy woman constantly strives to become a star..."


Yes, I think she was. But, she probably REALLY wanted one by the time THAT flight was over.


I think she meant it. The head stewardess says okay like she means, okay, I'll be back with your drink. She didn't laugh or smile like she was acknowledging the joke.

The term Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and the disorder itself weren’t recognized until 1973. That was a year after this movie was released. Some doctors may have known there were risks and advised against drinking while pregnant but it wasn't as widespread as it is today.

Still, some women continue to drink while obviously pregnant and some drink so much by the time they find out they're pregnant they've consumed mass quantities of alcohol.

Besides the drinking, flying isn't exactly safe during pregnancy either. Mrs. Stevens (Mariette's character) says she's 'not due for over a month' but that would put her in the third trimester. The exact time frame when flying should be avoided. As happens in the movie, a woman can go into labor early. It could be brought on by all sorts of things stress, cabin pressure, turbulence, etc. To this day giving birth can be risky for both mother and child especially in non-ideal situations and less than ideal conditions.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]


The Head Stewardess was sorely lacking a sense of humor.


Was it a Bloody Mary or a Bloody Mariette?
