Legal Age?

IMDB says Janit Baldwin was 17 when she made this movie. Was there any controversy over her full frontal nude scenes as a minor? These days, it would have caused a congressional inquiry. Truly, it was a different time.


I think that may have been a mistake. Her bio says she was born in 53, which would have made her 18 in 1971, when the movie was probably shot.


I wont feel so guilty while masterbating.


"masturbating" actually....and feel free to do it guilt free. After all, it is sex with someone you love.


LOL! You have seen 'Annie Hall' by Woody Allen and I claim my £5!

By the way, I thought Sissy Spacek was hotter than Janit Baldwin. However, if anyone is interested, Janit was pretty good in the horror flick 'Ruby'.


And let's not forget her memorable cameo in "Phantom of the Paradise".


Oh thank goodness she was 18 and not 17 years 359 days old.

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither ~ B. Franklin


There's a lot of confusion over "child" nudity and "child porn' laws. Actually, you can show a child or teenager FULLY NUDE (including full genitalia) as long as the film has "bonafide artistic merit or educational, medical, or scientific value". This has been affirmed by Supreme Court decisions in both the United States and Canada. Thus, if a movie has legitimate artistic merit then it can show full nudity of a minor and even show a minor engaging in sexual activity. The film Baby Doll featured a 12 year old Brooke Shields fully naked. The film 1900 featured a 12 year old boy touching his erect penis. There are hundreds of other examples. Technically, a studio could make a film version of Lolita and show a 13 year old girl fully nude and even show a close-up of her vagina and anus and there is NOTHING that the Gestapo could do about it, since the story is universally recognized as having artistic merit. Even if charges were laid the law clearly states that any child porn charges must be dismissed by the court if the work as a whole is deemed to have any legitimate artistic merit. Its just that nowadays the studios are too afraid of the crybaby feminists, "political correctness", and the hysterical "child porn" witch hunters to attempt such a production.



One minor disagreement: Brooke Shields was not in BABY DOLL; that was Carrol Baker. However, Brook WAS in PRETTY BABY, and did appear (at 12 years old) in a scene that purportedly showed her nude. Can't say that she was, but I do remember reading somewhere that she wore skin-colored plain panties. (She had no developed breasts at the time.)


Pretty Baby [not Baby Doll] used a double for Brooke Shield's nude scenes, if any.
1900 was a European film and was not subject to U.S. laws concerning underage nudity. I think the confusion is yours.


Brooke Shields did her own nudity in Pretty Baby. It was her films, The Blue Lagoon and Endless Love, which used body doubles.


She wore panties.


There are at least two scenes where Shields certainly isn't wearing panties and is completely nude:

The first is when she is laying sideways across a couch while being photographed. The next scene occurs when she is locked-out and is shown from behind as she bangs on the door. Maybe you're watching an edited version that has deleted these scenes.


The best example I can think of for "justifiable nudity by minors due to artistic merit" is the mass-nude scenes in movies depicting the Holocaust, such as Schindler's List or the mini-series "War and Remembrance". I think we can all agree that anyone who would get an erotic thrill from those is a sick bastard badly in need of castration. I'm just saying.


"Truly, it was a different time."

Yes. A better time...


I'm not sure about this film but lots of films in the 70s showed minors in the nude. Nudity in general was much more common in films then. It was a different time when people were much less uptight and paranoid than they are now.

Conform or be cast out


Considering that the nudity there wasn´t exactly sexualized, I don´t see what the problem is supposed to be.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Few years since last reply, but check out Papillion starring Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman about half way through the movie on the island scene with what appears to be several young ladies of varying ages running around topless.
