Living in Mississippi...

and not having gone to college here, I've always remembered the scene, as the marriage deteriorates, when Carol Burnett walks in on Walter Matthau watching a college football game on TV. Angry that Matthau pays her no attention, Burnett protests, "You can't really care who wins this game!" Matthau answers, "No one's winning; one team's just losing faster than the other."

It takes a sharp eye, as I recall 37 years later, to see that it's the "vaunted" Egg Bowl on the tube, Ole Miss vs. Mississippi State.


And I thought "Mississippi vs. Mississippi" was just a joke! I love Matthau's explanation that he's just watching to see who gets injured first.


It takes a sharp eye, as I recall 37 years later, to see that it's the "vaunted" Egg Bowl on the tube, Ole Miss vs. Mississippi State.

Nice catch!
