Where was the baby?

It seems to be a big tagline or whatever. That creepy ghostly voice asking Holland where is the baby? So where was the baby? Was the baby found in the barrell or something like that? I remember watching this 20 or 30 years ago now and all I could remember about the movie was a barn, a pitchfork, playing in the hay and a twin who thought his brother was still alive and being forced to look at his grave. Unless there are two similar movies, this one (the Other) must be the one that I have been trying to think of. I didn't even know the title of it and did some searching , asking about it on yahoo answers. I found the trailer on youtube and saw the scene where they must of found the baby. But the whole thing was creepy and spooky. Not sure I'd want to actually want to watch it again after seeing the trailer for it. I last saw it on TV and it was at least 25 years ago. We didn't have cable before 1985 and I'm 44 years old now.


The baby, sad to say, was found in the wine barrel-a full wine barrel.


Thanks, that is what I kind of figured. I must of watched this movie 25 years ago and don't remember all the details, or hardly none of them.


Wikipedia says the baby was found in a pickle barrel. I guess the idea being from the glass jar exhibit at the carnival?

Wikipedia has a great spoiler filled synopsis replete with trivia.


Ye Olde Sig Line:

It should be "I can NOT care less."

You are at the lowest level of caring.


Usually Wikipedia is about as reliable as asking a stranger for directions in a new town...but the information is mostly accurate. As for spoilers... Just see the film again. The moment the baby is 'discovered' is one of the true horror aspects of what is mostly a psychological horror film.

"No fate but what we make." -Terminator II


It was a wine barrel, not a pickel barrel. Either way, the baby didn't have much of a chance.

He who conquers himself is mightier than he who conquers a city.


You know I saw this at the theater- packed playing with The Legend Of Hell House. When they baby girl is discovered some people moaned and the were whispers of M'God!. I felt sick. This is one of the those films I never will watch again. Its very disturbing.The novel is worrisome too.


Erinlizbeth, 44 years old and still under the impression that it is "must OF" rather than "must HAVE." There are reams to say/write about this disgrace but deaf ears... blah blah blah.

And then there's: "details, or hardly NONE of them." Wanna try again? Perhaps "details, or hardly ANY of them."

Oh, and BY THE WAY, somewhere in your subject line you should say HUGE SPOILER, because eventually, there's always some jerk that hasn't seen the movie in question yet, but is reading the message boards anyway, who will b!tch and moan to you.



"Must have" - present perfect tense. (ex-English teacher - sorry!)

"No fate but what we make." -Terminator II

