MovieChat Forums > The Other (1972) Discussion > Those that called this movie boring...

Those that called this movie boring...

missed the mark I believe. I saw this movie when I was about 12 and found it to be very eerie. The fact that it was confusing intrigued me. The ending left me wondering. Every time I would watch it, I would come up with a different explanation. I was never sure which twin was alive at the end and why.

THAT type of controversy itself makes it a GREAT movie. I'm glad to see it on so I can record it. It's definitely hard to find.


a spookfest. and uta hagen is such a horror movie name. even if it's her real name .

Just put it on the Underhill's tab.


Those that think The Other is boring haven't yet placed it in context of the rest of Robert Mulligan's career. One needs only to compare Niles' discovery of killing in this movie to the discoveries experienced by children in Mulligan's other films: competition in Fear Strikes Out, racism in To Kill A Mockingbird, culture-shock in both Up the Down Staircase and The Stalking Moon, sex in Summer of '42, domestic abuse in Bloodbrothers, divorce in Clara's Heart and rejection in The Man in the Moon.

People just need to connect the dots. Mulligan knew exactly what he was doing with this movie and so many others.

"What I don't understand is how we're going to stay alive this winter."


I agree. This movie was far from boring. It had a wonderful story with great characters, and the acting was great (especially from the twins and Uta Hagen). I really like the atmosphere in this film too because it was so authentic that it made me feel as if I were really there with the characters as the events were happening. Overall, the film was really suspenseful and amazing.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


I was able to watch this film again about a week ago when I was (finally) able to digitize it so that the poor VHS tape I made so many (many) years ago when AMC used to show films without commercials could be retired before it disintegrates. It became hellaciously huge files (5.5 gigs), but the quality remains intact and the film holds up still, even though I know every moment of it.

"No fate but what we make." -Terminator II


Again, to each his own of course however the Spanish subtitles are either bad translations-they are not-or there are 2 different scripts to this movie. The scene when Niles is sobbing and incoherent in the Church he replies: "esto no es Holanda que es el mal soy yo"...."it's not Holland that is the evil it's me" The audio suggest he is saying something to the effect that "Holland is evil I know he is" however the Spanish script says something else.
Since there are no other subtitles to compare you come to the conclusion that this was either very, very sloppy editing or the incoherence was intentional.


Up until the very end Niles insists that there are two of them, and he is the 'good' twin. He says that 'Holland is never going to heaven', even if his grandmother has shown him that Holland is 'otherwise occupied'. I think the Spanish subtitles are just done incorrectly, or were misread by the translator. Only at the end in the cellar is there an indication that Niles may have begun to dissociate.

"No fate but what we make." -Terminator II


Those WHO called this movie boring........
It seems that schools don't teach English grammar and usage now,right?

