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Huston Can't Wait To See Welles' Lost Masterpiece

12 October 2008 7:05 AM, PDT

Angelica Huston can't wait to see the finished cut of Orson Welles' The Other Side Of The Wind - because it features one of her late father's career highlights.

The long-awaited release of the 1975 film, starring John Huston and Jeanne Moreau, has been held up for more than two decades by financial issues.

Peter Bogdanovich, who also appeared in the movie, shot a revised final scene years after Welles' death, but only a select few have seen the finished film - and The Witches star Huston isn't one of them.

She tells WENN, "What happened was at one point Iranian money came into the mix and Bogdanovich was going to shoot the last scene and I don't know what happened to the last scene. I know my brother Danny has seen it. I haven't seen it.

"Peter has offered to show it to me but it's never come about. I understand they're always just a whisper away from releasing it in some form. I don't know what's happening with it right now. I think it has a debt against of it of some five to seven million dollars or something like that."

The actress admits she's keen to see the film because her father had such fun working with Welles on it: "I remember my dad saying that Orson had done something that had never been done before; he was shooting Jeanne Moreau in Paris with her side of the conversation and then my father in Los Angeles with his side of the conversation and putting all of it together like a giant puzzle.

"I'd be fascinated to see it now."

So is it going to happen?


We can only hope.

"My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four. Unless there are three other people." - Orson Welles
