Great Fun Flick !

I'm watching this movie right now on the channel TCM ( Turner Classic Movies )  .

Some scenes I think are unintentionally funny here in this movie  .

For instance the general store scene when the giant rabbits are shown sitting around in a large group inside the store it looks like some of them are smiling - too funny   .

Anyone else out there watching this movie on TCM right now ? 


Howdy Ms. Zanadu! And yes, I just watched it on TCM. This movie has long been a fave of mine since I first saw it back in 1972. I was a kid at the time and for weeks kept having nightmares of giant killer rabbits!


Hey there antonasmodeus  !

Whoa you were so lucky to have seen it on the big screen when it was brand new to the cinemas   .
I was way too little to go see a movie back then  .

It must have been quite an eerie yet fun experience with the early cinema surround sound on this movie as well    .

Nightmares about giant killer rabbits I agree not a fun side effect for a fun cinema movie experience   .

Thanks so much antonasmodeus for your reply  .


They should have saved this movie for Easter.

I hope you got to watch Spider Baby today. That's a fun movie too.


Hey there Gary-and-Ellie great to see you here on these boards again  .

Perhaps one of these clever channels like TCM might show this movie at Easter we never can tell but here's hoping ( or should I say hopping ? )  .

I was so glad TCM showed " Spider Baby " today also .
I don't think I have seen it since a couple of Halloween's ago ? 

If I can't exactly remember when than it's definitely been too long and was overdue ( all set now !  ) .


Good. We will be looking for you Saturday night at 10 pm 


Great Gary-and-Ellie will see you then  !

Have a great evening as well  .


Ms. Zanadu, I actually saw "Lepus" with my parents at a drive-in theater just like the one featured in the movie! It closed long ago but back in the early 70s they showed a lot of rare horror movies such as "Cannibal Girls","Horror Express" and "Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things" just to name a few. Sad that the classic drive-in is a thing of the past but I'll never forget them!


OH WOW antonasmodeus even better  !

" The extra big screen of the outdoors kind " as I like to call it - so much fun   .

I know what you mean about the shortage of Drive-Ins in this country now - very sad  .
I believe last time I checked ( may not be exact now probably way less of course ) but I think only about 500 exist in the USA now . Which is to say that's not really a lot to begin with either  . Some are still around but just not as many as there used to be  .

I actually have one in my area but it's of course a seasonal one and every summer costs $15.00 per car to get in to see the movie of choice . Which lately the movies they do show are newer and never ones I'm very interested in and sadly are not that good either IMPO . Once in awhile I will get lucky and see a movie that will interest me . Plus it changed from film to digital too . Can't complain too much though at least it's still around  .


I use to be a regular at 3 drive-ins when I was growing up in Ontario. I think 1 is still there... I need another ontario person (i never knew the short word for us ontarios peeps) to correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember the last one I was at was dundas but my fav was 27



The one still alive is the dundas one... I just googlied it
5 drive in sh!t I didn't realise it's still there, Man I feel old

My car was stalled out there many times wow like bcl in the day



Don't feel too bad, Digital Zomby! I'm 48 but I feel wonderful. Like the old saying about fine wine: it gets better with age!


Sort of a bad trip for Elmer Fudd.


I caught this on DVD as a sort of Easter season flick.

It starts off fun, but then last half-hour is pretty dull. Some of the cast look bored and rather unfazed about everything happening. "Bones" particularly is wasted. Cut off about twenty or so minutes, maybe it would work.




It was okay. I've been doing a "Killer Animal/Eco-Horror" themed month where almost all I've watched have been horror movies where nature strikes against humans. So with that in mind and today being Easter I absolutely had to watch this film. No other would be half as appropriate. It's not the best killer animal movie I've ever seen but it's the perfect one for the holiday.


I had to freeze frame that scene, too funny. There's a rabbit to the right that's pulling off a constipated grimace.

Cracking film, just for that if nothing else.
