What a mess

How did Alan Pakula go from "Klute" to this awful film? The tone is all over the place, Bottoms' character never rings true (what was with that attempted rape scene?), and the Spanish dude suddenly appearing out of nowhere in a misguided attempt at absurdist humor (the balloons?? the "will you cut my hair?")

And to top it off, we have endless travelogue scenes that do nothing for the film -- Pakula clearly had some money to spend but not enough script to go with it.

The beginning of the end for Timothy Bottoms' short-lived chance at stardom.


It wasn't a total failure, because it does have an appreciative audience. If this hadn't been made, I would not know one of the most tender, charming, suite movies I've ever seen. It may not be critically acclaimed, but it's got an intimate feeling to it that is simply priceless!

Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!
