Travis Crabtree Question

Why isn't Travis Crabtree interviewed in the movie? The film spends a lot of time following him and even has a song about him. I thought it might be because he would deny the beast existed but the old man that lives out in the woods said it didn't exist and he was interviewed. That's just always puzzled me.


My dad's family has lived in Fouke, AR, their whole lives. They know all the Crabtree's...of course, in a very small town like Fouke, EVERYONE knows EVERYONE! LOL!! I'm not sure why Travis Crabtree wasn't interviewed in the movie, but I would be willing to bet my last dollar that he would agree that the "Fouke Monster" existed. If you do a google search on "Smokey Crabtree", you will find all kinds of results (including contact information on some of the websites) about his research and experience with the Big Foot. He has written a couple of books about his experiences. If you were to contact anyone of the people living in Fouke during that time, I bet any one of them would agree that the Fouke Monster indeed existed.

