House location

270 Wilton Road, Westport, - but can anyone confirm this as i could find only 1 online mention
Also why Last House on Left - does it actually get mentioned as such in movie - i can't recall any relevance ?

Hey Witchdoctor, give us the magic words.
ooh ee ooh ah ah, ting tang wallawallabingba


Unfortunately we never get a good look at the house so it is hard to tell. I've heard that the house was owned by Sean Cunningham's parents at the time so they could shoot there for free. There is hardly any info out there in regards to the house location. What I have heard is that the house is located on Bayberry Ln in Westport but that is it.


I have spent a while Google Earth-ing both Wilton Road and Bayberry Lane. The latter looks right. Unfortunately most of the houses look very similar on the outside, so it may be a case of catching a few good screengrabs from the movie and seeing what matches up. Might be a long process, but I am just about fangirly enough about this movie to do it!


it's the last one... on the left!!!!

sorry... I couldn't resist!!!!!
