MovieChat Forums > Lady Sings the Blues (1972) Discussion > question about a certain scene

question about a certain scene

I just watched the movie again for the thousandth time, and I just have to ask..... on the scene where Billie shoots up on the toilet, why does Louis give her such a hardtime about getting into the bathroom? He knew that she was using, and he knew WHY she needed to go to the bathroom, he even says "youre always hogging up the bathroom". So what do you all think his motive was on not letting her in at that time. Was he trying to make her suffer? Was he trying to tease with her? Post your thoughts.

PS: This is just a simple topic trying to find out how others interpreted this scene, even though its obvious that he didnt want her using drugs.


The real Louis McKay was a pimp, drug pusher, a thug and just plain mean...
The people who made this movie should have reseached her life and not make up thier own version of the truth....


...Not to mention the fact that the real Louis McKay was still ALIVE when this film was made. I doubt he would have allowed himself to be portrayed as anything other than saintly.

Billie Holliday had FAMOUSLY bad taste in men. If she'd ever actually had a stable, caring relationship with someone like the character Billy Dee Williams played (again, nothing like the real McKay), she might have been able to avoid many of the pitfalls that ended her life at age 44.

During the scene you cite in this FICTIONAL film, "Louis" is forcing "Billie" to CHOOSE between his love and her addiction. Hwe knows she's a junkie, but he's giving her an ultimatum.


That was not the question. While you are correct, this person just wanted to discuss a very specific scene in this movie. Also, despite his MANY flaws, Louis McKay did want Bille to kick the drug habit.


I think he was just trying to make her own up to her habit.

Boston, you are the only only only.


I agree. Somebody answered the question rather than drone on about the raal Louis McKay.

In the famous bathroom scene, Louis was confronting Billie once again about her habit and letting her know that he knew she had not stopped using Heroin.


yes. the movie Louis was trying to get Billie to stop, even for a second and choose him or the dope.

The real Louis McKay was alive during the making of this film and refused that his likeness or name be used unless he was portrayed a certain way.
