A Couple of Things

I absolutely detested the scene where Piano Man is being killed because Billie acts like a simpering fool.....that performance aggravated me so bad I couldn't hardly stand it. Was anybody else as annoyed with that scene as me? It was Diana's acting as well as the scene itself. I just wanted to slap the *beep* out of her.

Then the scene where Louis comes to pick her up after the death of Piano Man. WTF was THAT all about? Again, Diana Ross's annoying performance as well as an incredibly stupid scene. Can anyone explain to me what in the hell that scene was supposed to convey??

Melodramatic gone overboard in both instances.

Your comments will be greatly appreciated. :)



She was so scared and wiped out at the same time - unfortunately that left her very helpless to come to Piano Man's aide.


I always assumed in both scenes that it was heavy drugs. She certainly acted like it and remember when Loius put on the light and looked at her eyes?


OP I completely agree with you! it's not just about her being on drugs. It's definitely Diana Ross's overacting (and the script)! She's their wailing doing nothing, even if she ran out to try to get some help that would be something.
Hopefully this didn't actually happen in Billie Holiday's life because that was just stupid. Then in the next scene she's there talking like a little girl to her husband even though she's in her 40s. Like come on.

I bet you're wondering what a place like this is doing in a girl like me-The Mummy


It was a combination of a bad script and the fact Ross cannot act.


People act like there were a ton of highly employed African American actresses in 1972. Don't blame Ross because producers figured any fairly good looking black woman with a fairly good singing voice would do.
