Are these good?

I'm a huge fan of all types of films but I lack some good samurai, eastern films in my collection. Are these baby cart films any good, the reviews say they are good but I am still a bit sceptical about these as I have a suspicion they are cult classics, which means that they are crap but people like their campiness. Please try to be unbias as I'm looking forward to something good with a great story. I'm not really a fan of gratuitous silly gore and blood in films unless it's necessary, then it's great. Are these for me?

Also which DVD should I get then? I've heard there are some crappy editions. On and they have these 6 disk boxsets are they good?


I recommend renting them and deciding for yourself. the problem with trying to recommend them is this... for one, they weren't all filmed by the same director, so some of them might appeal to you, and some might not. the first three and the fifth one, directed by misumi kenji, have kind of a sergio leone feel to them. they're fun, but they still evoke an emotional response. also, the way in which the blood and gore sprays from almost every wound is actually pretty artistic, but, then again, I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for. maybe you'd be better off with some kurosawa?


Thanks, i've been waiting for a reply for ages and that thing you said about Kurosawa is exactly what I was after.



What are you kidding? THESE ARE IN MY OPINION THE GREATEST SAMURAI FILMS EVER PRODUCED. Take it from someone whom has seen more samurai movies than even the biggest fan. The story of Lone Wolf and Cub is compelling, the swordfights are second to none (Wakayama is a true bad ass) and each film runs under 90 minutes, never wearing out their welcome.

These films are cult classics yes, but they hold up well. The storytelling and action shames the product that comes out of hollywood. Why? because there are no computers, what you see is well choreographed mayhem and Wakayama is intimidating and deadly as Ogami Ito.

I own all films in the series and i'd rather watch them that any garbage currently posing as an "Action" movie.

Now if you're not a fan of hundreds of limbs being hacked off, generous arterial sprays, and creative dismemberments then this isn't for you.

You might want to stick with more dramatic, less gory fare like The Sword Of Doom, Twilight Samurai, Hara Kiri, or for something light start with the excellent Zatoichi series, particulary Zatoichi at the festival of fire.

Get the Lone Wolf series from Animeigo, accept no substitutes.


I agree completely. This line is by far my favorite Samurai movies, based on manga books in Japan.

- jeffsterz©


