MovieChat Forums > Kagaku ninja tai Gatchaman (2005) Discussion > Need help with a specific episode's titl...

Need help with a specific episode's title.

I need help with the episode of a title. I watched this show a lot years and years ago in the 90's when it aired on cartoon network as G-Force, and there was one episode that I never got to see the end of and everytime I think of it (which I would estimate as roughly once every two years) it eats me up that I never got to know what happened. (Please do not actually tell me what happened)

The episode, what I remember, some kind of galactic fleet (of which the team might have been a part of) was under attack by a group (or was it just one?) of sky-soaring dragon mechs that would rip up with no problem these "space aircraft carrier things, that were supposedly far more strong than the phoenix and as such the team was not to engage this large green and red dragon thing, and I so curious to find out what happened.

Thank anyone and everyone for your help.


I have seen the complete series several times now, but I am having trouble placing the episode based on your description. Can you tell me any more? A galactic fleet of what? Spaceships, aircraft carriers, what? Was the fleet the good guys? Can you better describe the dragon mecha?

* * * *

OK, so what's the speed of dark?


From the sound of things, you're looking for episode #22, "The Firebird Versus the Fire-Eating Dragon." In Battle of the Planets, this episode was titled "The Sea Dragon," and in G-Force it was called "The Fiery Dragon."

Our heroes do eventually win against this menace, thanks to the use of a special explosive that literally freezes the dragon in its tracks.

I hope this helps!



I thought about that one, but the references to fleets and such seemed so vague I wasn't sure.

* * * *

OK, so what's the speed of dark?


Don't forget, at the beginning of the episode, King Dragon destroys the Mammoth Tigers, which are a fleet of flying aircraft carriers.



I appreciate everyone's help very much.
