Different Versions?

-I 1st saw this great film in the mid-70s, a 35mm Print. Then, in the '80s when it was being repeatedly shown on Sydney Australian TV, I'd tape it to VCT.
Now, some years ago, a mate in Tasmania, sends Me up a VCT copy...& there's all these additional scenes, I've never seen before?!(Where JJ is faking having been shot by a Crow Warrior & see's the reflection in his horse's eye) & several favourite scenes were missing?!(Where "Bear Claw" jumps out the Cabin window & exclaims: "Skin 'im Pilgrim & I'll get Yah another!")So..it's on DVD here in Australia, but I want to be sure, if I finally get to see the complete film in it's entirety?! Any additional info other than 116mins?
ps: If You're in Sydney & You notice the Canadian Native Totem Pole in Victoria Park near the Uni of Sydney & see a "Carols by CandleLight" Banner
draped across it like a dirty tea towel, please notify Sydney City Council & mention to them, that the Totem IS a Sacred Religious object as well as a Gift from it's People to Us peasant Aussies!!
