Cast the remake

Not saying this movie needs a remake, but it's fun to think of who could fill the shoes.

Bearclaw - Anthony Hopkins
Delgue - Benecio Del Toro
Johnson - Chris Hemsworth


I've watched this movie dozens of times over the years - always been a favorite. It's so iconic with great performances, I'd have a lot of difficulty casting a remake. I'll go as far to say I agree with your choice of Hemsworth as Johnson, though. Hopkins would seem the ideal candidate for Bearclaw - but I still have Hopkins indelibly typecast in my mind as Hannibal Lecter, despite having played so many other great characters in movies over the years.


I hope there will be no remake
Love the movie judy as it is


No remake ... this movie will stand in time .. just like Gone with the Wind has ... It's a classic ... watched it yesterday and just today again .


I'd like a chance t' shoot at an educated man once in my life .


Jeremiah Johnson - Michael Fassbender

Del Gue - J.K. Simmons


My 2 cents here for Viggo Mortensen as Jeremiah.


no remakes please ..


Movie executives aren't exactly combing through IMDb message boards looking for ideas, ya know. It's just an interesting thought. Think if you could decide the cast for the new movie if it was made today...
