this movie is awesome

i am surprised no one has stated so on this board!


I just got some old horror movies on vhs. Blood Farmers was one of them. I can't wait to hook up the old vcr and watch it, since it looks awesome.


I saw this in high school, it was so bad that everyone loved it -- instantly quotable!


I like cheese sandwiches. I say this in HS as well and it became an instant classic among the students. The phony dog attack has to be the best part :)


Great flick.




I remember watching this movie on video about twenty years ago. My old colleague David and I used to guzzle beer after beer in my living room on a Sunday afternoon and watch some B movie or other. This was so hilariously funny we had to pause it repeatedly so one of us could start breathing again after laughing so hard we were nearly asphixiated. The "acting" is absolutely hopeless, the plot is non-existent. I remember watching it again a few years later and still laughed until I was helpless. They don't make 'em like this anymore, more is the pity!
