christopher lee is a bad-ass!

any disagreements?


you will get none


He's the best. Check out a movie like Rasputin the Mad Monk, where he almost singlehadedly carries the whole movie. The guy's got charisma, malice, feral intensity, and sophistication. A class act, and waaay badass!


Rasputin is a great movie! He has charisma oozing out of his pores in that one. I got that in a 2-pack with The Devil Rides Out. He is a man-god.


Christopher Lee is immortal. Everyone from the heydey of Hammer Films, et al, have passed away, yet the Christopher still lives. Although he seems to look a bit like Frank Zappa these days.


He is a legend and a genius.One of the best actors I have ever seen.I will always think of him as count Dracula.


A bump to this tread on the occasion of Mr. Lee's death. He is now a badass for all time... immortal.


a real badass in real life as well based on the story he told Peter Jackson, (hmm how to kill a Nazi)


Christopher Lee is most definitely the man. He's simply great in "Horror Express" as Professor Saxton.

"Warren Oates died for our sins"


He was my favorite Bond villain (The Man With the Golden Gun).

Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants.
-- Benjamin Franklin.


I adore Christopher Lee, as a bad-ass, in that special sexual sort of way. He just does it for me. Even as Dracula turning someone into a zombie or whipping someone senseless in the Whip and the Body or conversing politely with a police detective in The Wicker Man, he just has it all. He has covered so many different eras of filmmaking and fits in well in all of them. I could happily watch him reading the phone book.

Am I anywhere near the imaginary cliff?


Christopher Lee OWNED as Dracula in the Hammer films.

I also liked him in Horror Express as well.


i loved the way he said '

'Rubbish..a conjurers trick'

No Justice Just Us



It's unanimous. Sir Chris Lee also happens to be a knight in the order of bad-ass.

A favorite of mine for most of my life. Very admirable as an actor and as a person. Countless interviews give quite a bit of insight. He is very intelligent and well read on a wide range of subjects.



Christopher Lee was the man. See him in The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll if you haven't.
