MovieChat Forums > Pánico en el Transiberiano (1974) Discussion > It is nice to see that the fans of this ...

It is nice to see that the fans of this film are legion!

I have always loved "Horror Express" since I first saw it on a Friday late night in Spanish language back in the early 90s. I decided to watch this little gem just to see Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing together in a horror film, and I loved it from the first moment. I didn't tell any of my friends or classmates about it though, because they would have laughed at me... So now I am very pleased to see that I am not alone! Give me "Horror Express" any time. It definitely is a hundred times better and more entertaining that any slasher movie or modern fantasy horror thing with gallons of gore and screams!


I loved it when I first saw it 25 years ago, and it stands up to repeat viewings. Great atmosphere, chemistry between the actors, music, film editing... a classic Cushing/Lee collaboration.


I concur! Just saw it for the first time myself, after finding it in a really cheap collection. Absurdly exceptional! =)


I gave it a 10/10.

Professor Saxton: It's a fact. And there's no morality in a fact.


10/10 here too.
I consider it in the first rank of horror films.
