MovieChat Forums > High Plains Drifter (1973) Discussion > Where did Stacy and the Carlin brothers ...

Where did Stacy and the Carlin brothers get bullets?

When Stacey and the Carlin Brothers leave prison, they get their guns back, but they don't have bullets in their guns or in their gunbelts. Later, they kill the two men for their horses and they shoot them dead. How?

Strange, but entertaining movie.


They probably did a classic Western robbery somewhere on the road, i.e. asked to try the weapon or bullet and then pointed it at the store owner.


I just watched the movie, and they did have extra bullets in their gunbelts. When the jailer tossed them their weapons he just said they (the guns) weren't loaded, so they could reload once the jailers were safely back inside the prison.


The jailer probably gave them the full holster as, since they had served their time, he was giving them protection out in the desert.


They had bullets in their gun belts.

My Vote history:


We can't know how many people these deranged psychopaths murdered on their way to Lago, but the scene in which they bushwhack the three range riders clearly establishes they like to murder folks to get stuff, and that they have bullets. I suggest they murdered someone for them, and we are simply not shown that particular instance.
