Frears' worst?

I was disappointed in the quality of Gumshoe. And it sprang from Stephen Frears, whose The Hit (with Hurt, Stamp, and Roth) was SO good. My Beautiful Laundrette, Sammy and Rosie Get Laid, and The Grifters were remarkable movies; his film work was excellent through the 1980s. Perhaps Gumshoe was an ill-conceived project.

I have no ideas about the quality of all his TV productions in the 1970s and 1980s. I haven't seen any of them, nor am I likely to do so. Would anyone (from the UK, perhaps?) wish to comment on the quality of Stephen's other work, particularly the TV shows which preceded The Hit (1984) ?




yep, surely it has to be. It's on tv at the moment. It's quite shocking, it must be said. Was it so tragic back in the 70s or not I wonder? It's very sad to see such a fine actor as Albert Finney doing so badly. I don't think I've ever seen such a bad performance from a good actor.


What is it with some of you guys? It was Frears' first cinema feature, it got made through the clout of having Albert Finney on board the project - so he must have been in favour of it - it's a nice tribute to Hammett and Chandler - a tongue-in-cheek version of THE MALTESE FALCON - and be honest: could any of you carping armchair critics have done any better?

I think it's great fun.


'tis great FUN


it wasn't THAT bad

I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn


i really really liked it, but that probably stems from my love of classic noir


I thought it was great.


I think it's Stephen Frears' best film by a long way,I totally loved it when it came out,can't wait for the DVD even though I've got it on video cassette!


I agree. I saw it when it first came out in the early seventies, and have just seen it tonight on television. A terrific film. The South African accents weren't that good, but apart from that I fine example.

However, if you can't follow the Liverpudlian patter, then I can quite understand some people not getting a lot out of it.

But then I have lived in Leeverpul, and am from Sith Ifrica.



just watched it on BBC4 and it was brilliant. Never seen it before but it is going into my favorites list of 70's British films


Just watched it on BBC 4 a Liverpool night. Cannot agree it's OK in my book not as bad as suggested here on this thread. Why was Albert Finney bad, I don't think so as so much was pastiche wasn't it? Frank


exactly- a self aware style performance, a pastiche... it was good- bad acting. or good noir acting, thats more appropriate. fulton mackay was good too.


Excellent stuff. If the DVD was out I'd be watching it now.

Fulton Mckay excellent!

"Go, and never darken my towels again."


I have to disagree, it's a terrific early film for Frears. not just an affectionate homage to film noir, but a fascinating slice of life, as well as a clear-eyed, poignant look at the end of the 1960s & the pain of having to grow up at last.
