
I don't consider this a horror movie at all, even though it has alot of gore and splatter in it.. it's just so funny (intentionally and unintentionally). Long live this movie and H.G!


i just finished watching this an thought it was great. the acting is terrible, by terrible i mean actors that have been picked up right outta strip clubs an such. So many times i have had to go "whatt??" then grab the remote and watch it again. sometimes the lead character looks directly at the camera and tries to imitate people and i really doubt it is in the script.. its really bad. everyone is all 1972 drugged out and camera angles are all over the place. a few of the strippers look at the camera and sorta smile because they know the are in a movie and i bet the director is so coked out that he just laughs. hahaha honestly though, i'd rather watch this than cable any day.


*beep* great movie, i wish i seen this in 1972, i bet anyone who has watched it recently for the first time wouldn't be laughing!!


It's neither horror nor comedy. It's both. That's what makes H.G. Lewis' movies so great. They blend bloody horror with side splitting humour. An odd but greatly entertaining combination. H.G. Lewis created a whole new genre with this combo that still lives on today., the Cult Classics Cosmos!


some salt'n'pepper for the meathammered behind, Ha!


The main guy just came out with some of the chessiest lines ever.. had me in stiches!

Try drinking bleach, its fun?
