H G Lewis rocks!!!!

Mmmmmmm butt steak....8)


Yes he does! 1984 is my favorite book!

I don't think, therefore I am not.


Maybe I'm missing something here...but George Orwell wrote 1984...


The Popcorn guy? I don't think so.

I don't think, therefore I am not.




HG Lewis rocks. Gore Gore Girls is ill. hahaha the best part of GoreGore Girls is when the killer cuts off one nipple, and milk comes out, cuts off the second nipple and then chocolate milk comes out! hahaha genius

History of Exploitation Films


I live in the UK and bought this DVD through a main high street dealer (HMV) but I am sure there was no scene showing nipples getting cut off! Damn British censorship again no doubt! There was plenty of gore in the film though nipples getting cut off does sound like the sort of thing the BBFC would insist on getting cut out of a film. Anyone know what else is missing from the UK release. Its the Tartan release by the way.



mmmyes, butt steak...complete with deep-fried eyeballs :D

Meat's Meat and man's gotta eat!!


Butt steak with salt and pepper, no less. Goes well with a side order of French fried face.

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"


And a random shot of a cucumber on the floor.

It can be used to make women pregnant. Sometimes this also works on men.


And to wash it all down, a squirt of chocolate breast milk.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!


Yes, I've seen 5 films and have been satisfied by 4 out of 5. The only one I didn't like was The Wizard of Gore. But for the most part he made very fun, entertaining movies and seemed like a nice man in interviews. It was sad to see him go but his contributions to the horror genre are very memorable and at least they'll be left behind forever.
