Why Did Carlo....

Repeatedly call Connie a "guinea brat" when he is whipping her after she half destroys their apartment? According to my research, Carlo's surname was "Rizzi". Isn't Carlo also a "guinea"?


Carlo's mother was northern Italian. In the book he is described as having inherited her blond hair and blue eyes.

Epithets like "guinea" and "guinzo" are directed toward southern Italians.


Thanks. I did not know that.


He specifically called her a "spoiled guinea brat". So I naturally assumed that he was insulting her privileged upbringing. Not necessarily her racial background. But your explanation covers it better than I.


Carlo was projecting, he married into wealth and contributes nothing of value to his and Connie’s financial stability. The family also denied his request to be brought in on business operations. Carlo is an entitled brat himself and as such wears his insecurities on his sleeve.


I am watching it on Paramount now. The subtitles say "skinny". I guess they didn't want to offend anyone. Tho Wolyz said guinea earlier.


You've never heard people of a particular demographic use a slur for that demographic to other members?


Shocking that members of a particular demographic would partake in such uncouth behavior. Fortunately the esteemed members of the hip hop community would never.


LOL! Was Carlo an esteemed member of the hip hop community?


He was a member of the hip wop community.
