best movie ever!!

This is by far the best movie i have ever seen!!!! Son of Goul just makes it 10 times better than any movie ever made.


without a doubt...the greatest horror movie of all time. lets get this movie to #1! lets go bowling son of ghoul style....get ur tv and a bowling ball


This is one the worst films i have ever seen. I will not see it again.

"Work In Progress" Dolph Lundgren
The Punisher


I would like to have this film playing on a 24 hour loop.


top 250...

1) garden of the dead
2) the grapes of wrath
3) the godfather
4) ally mcfeal/boomerwang double feature




Absolutely great little movie! 10 out of 10!!!


Anyone who thinks this is a good movie must be high.
That is the only way you would sit through it, in a vegetation state looking more real of a zombie than the retards in this pretend to be trash can.


This movie is horrible, but you know what? That's what makes it so fvckin' GREAT! I couldn't stop laughing at this s**t. Especially the montages of the zombies bathing in formaldehyde. It was a goddamned crack-up. You can't watch this movie and hope for something serious.

